Live Online MasterClass
The Seven Principles of
Good Governance
Things that actually drive good practice
Feb 20 | 24 | 25
With John Page
Purchase your online training course
Available now at $597 NZD (3 course modules)
(Plus GST - New Zealand Only)

What are those things that separate out great boards from others?
We have looked back over our thirty years of consulting to find what those key drivers are.
From our work with over 650 very different clients and 250 board reviews we have discerned seven central principles.
2. Role clarity
3. Focus on outcomes
4. The board leads
5. Oversight is predetermined
6. Learning is continuous
7. Accountability and transparency
Get these building blocks right and you will be a long way towards ensuring everyone’s time is focused on the right value-adding matters.
Who should attend?
This masterclass is designed to benefit anyone involved in governance, regardless of their role, experience level, or the type of organisation they are connected with. Whether you are part of a small nonprofit, a large corporation, or any organisation in between, the principles covered in this masterclass are universally applicable and relevant to organisations of all sizes and structures.
Board members, chief executives, governance professionals, and support staff will all gain valuable insights and practical strategies that can be immediately applied to improve governance practices and drive organisational success.

Purchase your online training course
Available now at $597 NZD (3 course modules)
(Plus GST - New Zealand Only)
Course Outline
Your Course Tutor
John Page
John has specialised in governance for nearly twenty years. He previously led Sport New Zealand’s highly regarded governance program. Its resources, notably the Nine Steps to Effective Governance, are in use across New Zealand and around the world. The now widely embraced Governance Mark accreditation system is a world first. Since 2018 John has worked with BoardWorks, New Zealand's leading governance consultancy
John held senior roles in arts management, including six years as General Manager of the Royal New Zealand Ballet. From this, he brings a deep understanding of the nonprofit world, stakeholder management, and how to work with teams of exceptional people.
John has provided excellent board governance education that has allowed InternetNZ to make informed decisions and strengthens our accountability as a team.
Catherine Fenwick,
General Manager - Organisational Performance
What will I learn?
With a strong understanding of these principles, you can address governance issues with a different lens. Rather than try and solve problems in isolation, you will have the knowledge to look for causation and interconnections. Most governance concerns stem from a failure to get basics right at the outset, which then cascades into more complex and visible problems.
Attention to these building blocks of governance will make sure everyone’s time is focused on the right value-adding matters. Basically, more time to think, more time to invent the future, and less time on the minimally relevant.
We will provide participants with the BoardWorks Seven Principles publication detailing each principle and what it looks like in practice, together with a resource listing.

John has provided sound, engaging and deeply thought-provoking sessions for two organisations I have chaired. Both were focused on director development and providing skills to ensure sound Board governance
Heather Hayden - Chair - CE Parents Centre
Purchase your online training course
Available now at $597 NZD (3 course modules)
(Plus GST - New Zealand Only)