Governance Made Easy Masterclass

Managing Conflict of Interest

February 27th | 28th - 2:00pm AEDT

Purchase your training course

Available now at $597 NZD 

Welcome to this comprehensive two-part Masterclass designed to illuminate the intricate landscape of conflicts of interest within the boardroom. Navigating conflicts effectively is not just a skill; it's a necessity for maintaining integrity, fostering trust, and ensuring sustainable organizational success.

Throughout both sessions, our aim is to provide you with actionable takeaways that can be immediately applied in your boardroom responsibilities. Explore the many case studies and “in the trenches” stories that illustrate how difficult situations have been handled, the various nuances of conflicting interests, and what happens if this is not professionally and competently handled.


Who should attend

This course is designed especially for:
  • Directors, including executives-directors, nominee directors and shareholding directors
  • CEOs who aspire to great governance from the board they have, rather than the board a textbook might recommend
  • Company secretaries who want to add value and support their directors
The material will be suitable for:
  • Federated organisations (state, national, local, etc)
  • Members associations
  • Family businesses
  • Listed companies with shareholder directors or related party directors
  • Subsidiary boards
  • Industry associations





The course includes

  • 2 x 90 minute Masterclass sessions:
  1. Confidentiality in Governance
    Feb 27th (2:00pm AEDT | 4:00pm NZDT)
  2. Conflict of Interest Management in Organisations
    April 10th (2:00pm AEDT | 4:00pm NZDT)
  • Your course workbook
  • Password protected access to all recorded sessions

29 seats-1


Purchase your training course

Available now at $597 NZD 

Course Outline

The session will be highly interactive and numbers are strictly limited to allow for participation and engagement. Delivered in two 90-minute sessions, the course will equip participants to confidently and openly address conflicts of interest and avoid breaches of confidentiality.

Your Course Tutors

Julie Garland Mclellan

Julie Garland McLellan

Julie is one of very few women to have a portfolio of boards including chairing an ASX listed company and is respected for her practical experience. She is a frequent speaker at conferences and a prized reference for journalists. She has developed and delivered director education for the Governance Institute of Australia, The Australian Institute of Company Directors, and leading international institutions. Julie works with company directors and chairs to help them to build the success they desire in the boardroom.

Julie Garland McLellan

Steven Bowman

Steven Bowman FAICD

Steven Bowman is Managing Director of Conscious Governance and brings a great depth of experience facilitating Board reviews and strategic planning processes.

Steven has held numerous senior executive, CEO and Board positions in USA and Australia, as well as authoring and co-authoring over 14 books on governance, strategy, risk and executive leadership.

Steven Bowman

I enjoyed your presentation and easy style and believe that everyone left feeling better informed and motivated with renewed vigour to tackle board business.

Jelk Solutions.

What you will get out of the course

In-Depth Understanding of Conflicts of Interest:

Gain a comprehensive understanding of what conflicts of interest entail, their various forms, and the potential impact they can have on boardroom dynamics and organizational outcomes.

Strategies for Early Identification:

Learn how to proactively identify conflicts of interest at an early stage, allowing for timely intervention and prevention of potential issues that may compromise the integrity of board decisions.

Documentation Best Practices:

Acquire practical skills in documenting conflicts of interest effectively. Understand the importance of clear, concise, and transparent documentation to ensure compliance, accountability, and legal protection.

Risk Mitigation Techniques:

Explore strategies for mitigating the risks associated with conflicts of interest, safeguarding the reputation of the organization, and maintaining stakeholder trust.

Decision-Making in the Face of Conflicts:

Develop the ability to make sound decisions in situations involving conflicts of interest. Learn how to balance competing interests and uphold the best interests of the organization and its stakeholders.

Real-World Case Studies:

Analyze real-world case studies and examples that illustrate successful conflict resolution in diverse boardroom settings. Interactive Discussions and Networking: Engage in interactive discussions with industry experts, exchange ideas, share experiences.

Purchase your training course

Available now at $597 NZD