
Electronic Signatures or eSignatures in BoardPro simplify the process of document signing for your board and removes the administrative burden from your team.

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Effortless electronic document signing

Instead of downloading documents, losing emails, experiencing signing delays, and security issues with third-party signing apps, BoardPro manages the document signing process from end to end.

Simply upload a document, place signature fields for your board members and send an eSignature request. Electronic Signatures ensures good governance practices, maintains document security, and streamlines your administrative workflow.

Effortless electronic document signing

Keep confidential documents secure

Remove risk with end-to-end document signing within BoardPro. All document signing is handled within BoardPro to maintain the integrity of your governance systems and ensure confidential documents remain secure.

This eliminates the risks of downloading documents, storing them in email and on local drives, distributing them for signing via email, and trusting third-party signing services with confidential documents.

Keep confidential documents secure

Send signature requests with one click

Simplify the process of getting the board to sign documents and embed good governance in your administrative workflow. Simply upload a document and place a signature field in it.

With one click, BoardPro will send signature requests to each signer. A personalised secure link means each signer can sign only their own fields on the document, from anywhere on any device.

Send signature requests with one click
Opening Double Quote Marks

BoardPro has been a game changer for our organisation

Janene Draper

Co-Founder and CEO, Farro Fresh

Janene Draper from Farro Fresh wearing a blue shirt
Closing Double Quote Marks

Sign documents where they are

Eliminate administrative burden by signing documents where they are already managed, avoiding lost emails and confusion.

Simple by design, BoardPro enables you to open any document in Governance Documents, select Request Signature to add signature fields and initiate a signature request.

Sign documents where they are

Automatic document version control

Everything is in one place with BoardPro, which means that good governance is a given. Once a document is signed, the new version automatically replaces the unsigned document, minimising the inconvenience of updating documents in multiple places. Once all signatures are completed, the document is protected from further editing or modification, maintaining its integrity.

Automatic document version control

Sign any document, from anywhere, at anytime

No need to wait for signers to find the time to sign a document. Simply login to BoardPro to see your pending eSignature requests, or use the BoardPro Notes app on iPhone or iPad. Administrators can check the signing status of a document, and send reminders to anyone who hasn’t signed.

Alternatively, they no longer need to monitor the status vigilantly; they’ll be notified once everyone has signed.

Sign any document, from anywhere, at anytime

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Free for 30 days.  No credit card required.

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