Governance Made Easy Masterclass

Due Diligence

Before Directorships

May 1st  - 1:00pm AEST

Purchase your training course

Available now at $397 NZD 

Boards aren’t like buses; you can’t wait for a while and then three come at once. You will likely only have one board seat on offer at a time. 

But, you wouldn’t just get on any bus that came along without checking where it might take you. And you shouldn’t just take the board seat on offer without doing due diligence.

If you are wondering what the experienced directors look for, how they make their choices, and what are some of the dangers that unwary directors could miss, then this course is exactly what you need.


Who should attend

This course is for anyone who aspires to gain a board seat, whether that is an addition to your portfolio, the start of a new career, or in support of a cause you hold dear. It will suit:
•    senior executives and passionate advocates, 
•    experienced, emerging, and aspiring company directors
•    board members and recruiters
•    board advisors
This course will equip you with the tools and techniques to find the boards where you can make your most valuable contribution and avoid the boards where you might find yourself bored. 

12 seats-Recovered


Purchase your training course

Available now at $397 NZD 

Session Outline

Your Course Tutor

Julie Garland Mclellan

Julie Garland McLellan

Julie is one of very few women to have a portfolio of boards including chairing an ASX listed company and is respected for her practical experience. She is a frequent speaker at conferences and a prized reference for journalists. She has developed and delivered director education for the Governance Institute of Australia, The Australian Institute of Company Directors, and leading international institutions. Julie works with company directors and chairs to help them to build the success they desire in the boardroom.

Julie Garland McLellan

Julie’s Due Diligence Before Directorship course provides you with the essential tools to think about what questions you should ask yourself, and the appropriate information to source, before deciding to join a board. A must attend course for those who are considering board membership, and to particularly stop and think whether a Board is aligned with your values and ethos

Sarah Taylor

What you will get from the masterclass session

The confidence to undertake effective diligence and understand the risks and opportunities offered by each board seat that you encounter.

Tips for structuring your responses to the dreaded interview question, “So, what would you like to ask us?”
Strategic insights into the boards, companies, and cultures that will energise and enthuse you on your board journey.

Self-preservation instincts to identify, understand, and manage your personal liabilities allowing you to build a satisfying board portfolio.

I undertook Julie's short masterclass course 'Due Diligence Before Directorships'. Julie knows her content, provided practical advice and gave attendees the direction and confidence to ask the insightful questions before accepting a directorship. Highly recommend this short course. Thanks Julie!.

Anne Plesh
Non Executive Director

Purchase your training course

Available now at $397 NZD