The Chief of Staff Association: a central place for a global board
The Chief of Staff Association's board members are spread across the globe. A strong system to manage their board processes was a must-have, and executive director Trent Smyth was tasked with finding it.
For any organisation who is keeping an eye on the bottom line, BoardPro has got to be a consideration
Trent has previous experience with other board software, and when asked to recommend one, he thought “none of them are particularly easy to use.”
An investigation into different options on the market found Trent shortlisting a handful of different board software solutions. This included some of the big incumbents, and of course, BoardPro. So when stacked against these other options, what made Trent choose BoardPro?
Trent summed it up simply, “It works, it’s intuitive, and it has more than enough horsepower for us”. Trent started a free trial of BoardPro and was delighted to find a process for agenda building that was "easier than he had ever used before". Another standout feature was the interest register, and Trent emphasised that because declaring potential conflicts is “exceedingly easy” in BoardPro, this will positively impact directors’ willingness to declare their interests.
“It works, it’s intuitive, and it has more than enough horsepower for us”
Trent had a key message for boards who are considering software for their board meetings; “For any organisation who is keeping an eye on the bottom line, I think BoardPro has got to be a consideration. They offer a really great board management solution which is easy to use, and are attractively priced. You may not go with them in the end, but to not include BoardPro in your shortlist would be a bad decision.”

About The Chief of Staff Association
The Chief of Staff Association is a global diplomatic network, its members play a vital role in facilitating economic diplomacy. They are the gatekeepers to Fortune 500 companies, diplomats and public officials around the world.
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