Public Libraries New Zealand: better board packs mean better board engagement
Throughout Hilary Beaton's career, board reporting proved to be a recurring challenge, especially when detailed reports were required monthly.
It’s taken the anxiety out of board reporting
Hilary Beaton is the Executive Director of Public Libraries New Zealand (PLNZ), the association for public library managers. PLNZ members are responsible for 300+ public libraries around the country, and over 3000 staff.
Discovering BoardPro led to a user-friendly solution.“The quick and simple creation of board packs, using functions for building agendas, minute-taking, recording motions, action lists that automatically send out reminders has transformed the monthly grind.”
Hilary is not the only one who loves BoardPro, “It has a big thumbs-up from our board", she says. More importantly, the consistent layout of the board pack and reports has improved the way the board members consume information. As Hilary observed, this resulted in better member engagement during meetings.
It is cost-effective, saves time and ensures we run meetings efficiently
PLNZ has moved away from the traditional business model, and become a virtual association, meaning they no longer store hard copy information or rent office space. Even their AGM is held online.“It made sense to streamline our board practices through a software solution. It is cost-effective, saves time, ensures we run meetings efficiently and can store and retrieve information from a centralised location. Best of all, BoardPro is produced by Kiwis!"

About PLNZ
Public Libraries of New Zealand is the peak body for the public library sector, working with more than 300 public libraries across the country to ensure all New Zealanders have access to outstanding libraries services.
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