BoardPro enables us to be more responsive and effective - we recommend it to everyone!
Donald Nordeng, CEO of BioGrow NZ described the impact that BoardPro has had on his organisation.
"BioGro New Zealand is the organisation that certifies organic companies and products. We help these companies access higher value markets here and overseas. We check documentation and visit sites to ensure organic plans are being followed. We love to work with these pioneers of regenerative agriculture and to help consumers navigate to find products they can trust.
We use BoardPro to be able to radically cut down the time we spend on board administration, so that we can spend more time making this work happen. Before BoardPro, we'd spend three to four hours per meeting. Now, we spend one to two. To prepare minutes, we'd spend weeks or months to get them circulated and back again. Now, we spend hours or days. It's amazing.
We are able to be more responsive and effective. And we recommend it to everyone."

About BioGro New Zealand
BioGro's mission is to enable a sustainable and ethical future for producers and consumers.
BioGro has been at the forefront of the organics movement for over 35 years. It all started when a group of organic pioneers came together with a common vision. This vision was to create an accredited and recognised certification body that assisted New Zealand producers looking to turn organic.
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