OnDemand MasterClass
How to identify & manage
board confidentiality
& conflict of interest in
the boardroom
With Julie Garland McLellan
Purchase your online training course
Available now at $597 NZD (8 course chapters)
(Plus GST - New Zealand Only)

before they can cause problems.
Who should attend?
This masterclass is designed for chairs, directors, company secretaries, CEOs, and other executives who report to boards.
It will also assist professional board advisors, especially when engaged on mergers, acquisitions, or capital and fund-raising.
The material is especially relevant to government-owned or government-funded organisations where the conflict of interest definitions and obligations can become politically sensitive.

Elevate Your Skills
Gain this highly valued skill in your own time and study at your own pace with this comprehensive masterclass. Benefit from gaining practical knowledge and examples of how to apply your skills so that you can protect your board, organisation, and reputation. Enjoy unlimited access to the course materials and benefit from our world-class expert instructor.
- Identify and classify conflicts
- Develop management protocols for different categories of conflict of interest
- Report confidently and maintain records
- Bring your board up to excellent governance standards

Purchase your online training course
Available now at $597 NZD (8 course modules)
(Plus GST - New Zealand Only)
Course Outline
Your Course Tutor

Julie Garland McLellan
Julie has a portfolio of boards including chairing an ASX listed company and is respected for her practical experience. She is a frequent speaker at conferences and a prized reference for journalists. She has developed and delivered director education for the Governance Institute of Australia, The Australian Institute of Company Directors, and leading international institutions. Julie works with company directors and chairs to help them to build the success they desire in the boardroom.
The session you presented was informative, engaging and brilliantly facilitated. I thank you for taking the extra time to ensure that participants were comfortable and engaged with the content. I can safely say you were well received by all and feedback from the participants indicated that they would recommend we use you in future! Congrats on a job well done
General Manager
Tasmanian Leaders
What will I learn?
At the end of this course participants will be able to confidently:- Understand their obligations with confidentiality and conflicts of interest
- Identify, classify and categorise conflicts of interest
- Develop effective management protocols to handle conflicts as they arise
- Document and report conflicts to meet contemporary governance standards

Based on the evaluations I have seen, you knocked it out of the park. Thanks for providing such lively and thought provoking sessions.
Director of Education
National Association of Corporate Directors
Purchase your online training course
Available now at $597 NZD (13 course chapters)
(Plus GST - New Zealand Only)