Run refreshingly simple board meetings

Join 30,000 board members in 38 countries who practice good governance

Board management software overview
Watch how BoardPro makes governance easy by streamlining and automating board processes.
Activate your free trial
Create your first agenda, plan your meeting and send the board pack in minutes, not weeks!
Free for 30 days. No credit card required.
Effortless governance across the board

Board admin halved
Admin time is halved with BoardPro's automated workflows. Create board packs and send to them the board effortlessly.

Everything in one place
A centralised source for information, and more timely board packs that are accessible from anywhere.

Stay on track
Clearer reporting, easier oversight and reduced complexity. Leaving you to focus on executing strategy.
What BoardPro customers say on G2
All the power you need at an affordable price
Good governance is for everyone. Not just big companies.

Make meeting agendas effortless
Simplify agenda building and automate follow-up activities using BoardPro’s inbuilt agenda builder.

Build board packs in a click
The board pack builder saves you time with stress-free board pack production and distribution.

Take minutes in real time
Work smarter and more efficiently, while following good minute-taking practice.
BoardPro delivers time back to the organisation, which means we can spend more time saving lives.
Steven Pearce
CEO, Surf Lifesaving NSW, Australia

Protect your confidential information.
Emailing board documents or printing board packs can be high risk and lacks the security that these documents need.
Level up your security with BoardPro. You’ll have peace of mind that your data is stored securely in the cloud, with security features like encryption and login authentication protecting your information.
Fresh new thinking
Keep up to date with what's new in governance, and learn about upcoming events and products

Board reviews: 3 techniques to evaluate your board’s performance

The CEO performance appraisal: aligning feedback, KPIs, and strategic goals

What should a CEO report to the board?
Frequently Asked Questions
Productivity - BoardPro has an easy to use workflow that takes you through the entire meeting cycle, focusing on reducing manual work and increasing efficiency.
Smart - Software that is built with smart automation processes so that we do the ‘heavy lifting’ for you and cut out half the work
Accessible - Board software and good governance should be available to all, so you will find affordable prices with SMEs, Small-Medium Caps, and Nonprofits in mind to keep this software accessible to all.
Typically you can save up to 50% administrative time compiling your meeting papers and other tasks.
A great case study from a BoardPro customer saw them reduce 2-3 days of work to 2-3 hours!
Additionally, cut out the time it takes to search through email and shared folders looking for documents, with everything kept in a central, easy-to-search portal.
BoardPro is hosted on Microsoft Azure, located within enterprise-grade Australasian datacentres that employ robust physical security controls. BoardPro maintains multiple geographically separated data replicas and hosting environments to minimise the risk of data loss or outage.
All data that goes between you and BoardPro is encrypted using industry-standard TLS, protecting your governance data end to end with SHA-256-bit encryption both in transit and at rest.
You’re never on your own with BoardPro, with support just a click away on the ‘chat’ feature. Available around the clock, with an average response time of 1:07 minutes. No chat bots here, just real people ready to help.
Along with day-to-day chat support, you can also find weekly live training held online to help you and your board learn how to use BoardPro to the best of your ability.
- Number of boards
- Number of subcommittees
- Unlimited people and administrators
- Unlimited meetings and data storage
- Access from any device, anytime via the web-app
- Regular feature releases
BoardPro is committed to making Good Governance accessible to all. This is in the form of building world class board software and producing accessible, easy to understand content. Level up your board and Governance expertise by exploring our resource centre. Here's a selection of articles to get started:
- How to write an effective board report
- 8 steps to a beautiful operating plan
- Level up your minute taking
- Why having a quorum is important
- Learn about decision registers and interest registers
- 9 steps to effective Governance